Residential, Lifestyle And Rural Property

Complaint Process

Complaint procedures

Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act), all Real Estate Agents have to comply with the requirements and professional standards of the Act. Our clients’ concern and feedback are also important for us to improve as a professional Real Estate Agency. 

If any client or customer feel that our real estate agents have not provided the professional standards required by the Act, they have the right to raise their concern or complaint directly with the specific real estate agent or to with the Real Estate Agents Authority directly, or both. 

Such concern or complaint will need to be raised either in person, or in writing via email or post. We will address such complaint or concern within 48 hours of receiving them, according to the requirements under the Act. 

Complaint can be made via the following:

By phone: 0800 888 976

By email: [email protected]


All clients and customers also have the right the make a complaint directly to the Real Estate Agent Authority without going through our in-house procedures. 

Complaints in respect of a real estate agent directed to the Real Estate Agent Authority (REAA) can be made via the following:

By phone:    0800 367 7322

By email: [email protected]


External links:

Real Estate Institute of New Zealand: 

Real Estate Authority:

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